Razumkov Centre: On priorities in industry
2023-02-10 | Expert publications, Reconstruction, State of the economyBy Vasyl Yurchyshyn. At the beginning of February, the State Statistics Service released another batch of information, the publication of which was postponed due to martial law. The official statistics confirmed the huge losses that we already knew about.
As we know, countries emerge from the war extremely weakened, with a destitute and poor population, and reconstruction is to start almost from scratch. So it was in Europe after World War II. If there were no “Marshall Plan”, who knows which way the humanity might go.
By contrast, Ukraine starts the recovery when the end of the war is still far away, the country daily suffers great losses, and any thought of the future may seem utopian. But it starts reconstruction with developed and successful emerging European neighbours that have already demonstrated their readiness to provide long-term assistance. All sectors require much effort and resources, so it is important to decide where to start.
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