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Razumkov Centre: Ukrainian refugees at the border: the first experience of communication (March-May, 2022)

The war in Ukraine has led to an outbreak of one of the fastest-growing crises of forced displacement of the population, termed by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) as the biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War. Most of all people left Ukraine between February 27 and March 9, 2022, when over 150 000 persons were leaving the country every day. On the 6th of March, 210 526 persons crossed the border, being the highest daily figure. 1.4 million children (18.8%), or almost every fifth child, left Ukraine. In March-May, 2022, Razumkov Centre conducted a number of surveys, which made it possible to draw the first aggregate portrait of a Ukrainian refugee, as well as of those who returned to Ukraine some time later.

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